

Because we’re in lockdown

Whats New?

Dec 21st IaDL 54

Welcome Back after a longer than expected Hiatus

Hello, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentines, happy New House.

It’s been two rather eventful months since I was here. I had anticipated a certain amount of down time what with Christmas and my removal, however I had not forseen the full tumultuous experience of legal delays, unavailable internet, and stairs, lots and lots of stairs.

While I am no longer “living out of boxes” and you can actually get into all the rooms, there still remains much to-do, and each day presents a new list of fix /repair/install/hang/unpack. My old PC – with its incompletely downloaded collection of photos and music from our past – remains in a box, waiting for that task to reach the top of the list.

I am however (I hope) sufficiently organised to (finally) resume posts here. New house, new garden, new town, same lockdown, same asylum, same Lucky Dog.

Welcome friends, what is this all about?

Many of you will know me as Tony, to others I will be Lucky Dawg. I was fortunte enough to be involved with a tallented and committed group of people who created, ran, and performed an event called Dalamllyfest for many years. I’m happy to still be friends with many of those people, but sadly life eventually got in the way of our celebration. I know that many of you are still out there fighting the good fight bringing music and entertainment to the people, or you would be if circumstances were different (2020 lockdown).

My goal is to provide a space to hopefully reconnect with some of those bands, musicians, individuals, share some happy memories and maybe build some new projects. See what others are doing, have done, share some inspiration, ideas, and support.

It’s perhaps a bit vague I know, but following a conversation with Mr Bert Richard – also known to many of you- I resolved that it was time to “just do” rather than wait and organise. Hopefully, with help, this will come together and be fun and maybe even of some use.

As ever, participation will be the key, so all are welcome (old hands, new faces).

Yours from lockdown, Tony Luckydawg Wilson

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It’s a Dog’s Life…

(solstice) Happy “standing still of the sun” (that’s the actual translation). I hope you had a delightful midsummer longest day (I worked 11 hours – inside). As a West Coast of Scotland resident, I am legally obligated to observe – the solstice having passed – that; “the nights are fair drawin’ in”. In which case……

It’s a Dog’s Life…

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It’s a Dog’s Life…

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