It’s a Dog’s Life…

It’s a Dog’s Life…

(solstice) Happy “standing still of the sun” (that’s the actual translation). I hope you had a delightful midsummer longest day (I worked 11 hours – inside). As a West Coast of Scotland resident, I am legally obligated to observe – the solstice having passed – that; “the nights are fair drawin’ in”. In which case……

It’s a Dog’s Life…

(Public service message) My roof still leaks, musical events loom but we cannot agree rehersal time, I appear to be working nightshift for the entirety of summer, there are heavy things to move, and holes to dig in the garden. All situation normal, and I have little new complaint, however I was reminded it is…

It’s a Dog’s Life…

(weights) I frequently write some throw away quip about “didn’t I used to play guitar” in my next week IaDL. So in fairness I should note that some considerable guitar playing took place. Checking back, I see that a “Clubhouse Session” was actually threatened in my list of likely events for the year, and it…

It’s a Dog’s Life…

(Complaint) A regular reader (viewer?) suggested that I had not given a sufficiently fulsome or entertaing report on Japan. Well, let no-man say I am indifferent to audience input… Did you know that roughly 60% of Japan is forest? No, me neither. Not only that, but roughly one third of the trees are “primary temperate…

It’s a Dogs Life…

(Perspective) Our roof leaks. We’ve spent quite a bit of money on it with a firm of builders which I hope never to see again, (of course, they were the only game in town – after 2 years and 20+ attemps to find someone) and it still leaks. Our chimney is pronounced “Dangerous” , but…

It’s a Dogs Life…

On the third online attempt, I get my bus pass. Your application has been declined, because – on the government website you have not been on for twelve years – your address is still in Pollok. Had they bothered to let me know, I would probably have reapplied immediately. My second application has been declined,…

It’s a Dog’s Life…

(Japan) I had fully intended to write from Japan, but, a combination of internet issues, very full days, and disinclination to type on my small phone screen, means I am now home. Travel, they say, broadens the mind. I am not (unlike lovely Chris), widely travelled, and it was indeed an education to see and…

It’s a Dog’s Life…

Holiday Shopping. Possibly the most clothes shopping I have done in recent memory – everything apart from a hat, and I may just get a new one there. It appears I had no suitable garments for hot (24+) humid weather. It is my strong suspicion that I do not have the body for hot humid…

It’s A Dog’s Life…

(Drone) With travel preparations in full swing, and night shift to be worked, it’s surprising that I actually have any time for a life. However…. Our house needs some serious work on the roof. Sadly this is not some new revelation, but rather a piece of knowledge that has been a goad for over a…

It’s a Dog’s Life…

Japan 2 The flights are booked, the hotels are booked, the travel insurance is bought. We still need some Yen, lots and lots of Yen (1000Y = £5), to visit a country where cash is king, and cards not generally accepted (I’m told). I may need to go shopping : ( , I have few…


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