Lucky Dog Wilson

One man singer-song writer-acoustic guitar playing- all round dancing bear, who is (apparently) not yet dead.

Founder member of “The Tone Pigs” (Obscure fact; originally billed as “Lucky Dog and the Tone Pigs”), has appeared in various Duets, the as yet unnamed Blues combo who are NOT called “Bert and the Inadequates”, and in a rag tag collection of ner-do-wells who performed as “the Banned”.

Author of It’s a Dogs life, and one time general organiser and treasurer for Dalmallyfest, where he was responsible for not loosing too much money.

Claims to fame: First album issued on CD in 1997 when you couldn’t get CD copiers, but i knew a man who had THE ministry of defence one for a job he was doing , who didn’t need it on the Saturday. Broadcast on national Australian radio (abut 3am), where I got a name check in the same sentence as U2.

Website: you’re here . Contact:

My first ever gig. the band was “Wasters Corner”. L=R an astonishingly youthful Iain “Lightning Bomber” Harrison, LDW, Rab “Blind Lemon” Denim. There a story….
Dalmallyfest 15
The Banned (Washboardman, Kev, LDW, Bomber. Lesley, Just Lewis)

From his international best selling album; “Movin’ Folk”

Ballad of Lucky Dog (a bit quiet)